Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua

Shoulder bag


This Bonito is currently sold out.

Pufferfish Aqua Small Shoulder Bag from the Australia Collection
Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua
Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua
Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua
Name: Small Aqua Pufferfish
Origin: Australian Sea
Features: 100% cotton
Size: 32 x 19 cm (25,5 x 19 cm usable space)
Weight: 51 g 
Colour: Aqua
Pufferfish Aqua Small Shoulder Bag from the Australia Collection
Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua
Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua
Pufferfish (Small) - Aqua

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